This Trust was also started in 2013, as a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, with an objective to promote sports across various sections of the society.
It’s an initiative of two creative youngsters, to combine our passion in sports for a good cause. It is aimed at showcasing skills in various sports like basketball, cricket, badminton, football and so on. A fun-filled yet thoughtful journey of a different kind solely started for young spirits to bring out the talent hidden and in order to do something for the down trodden, as a result in the process.
We have our own team to support this organization in the various events to be conducted. We believe in working as a team and not just the welfare of us. We promise complete entertainment and hope to help as many as possible in this venture. We are here to 'SPORT A CHANGE'
We aspire to develop sports on a wider scale keeping in mind to work for a noble cause